Sacred Hypnotherapy

Your capacity for healing is infinite

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Alëna Oslopova

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Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance, where we find infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with. 

what is QHHT


Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached.

your session


Alena was able to help relieve the pain and stiffness in my sore body, which had begun giving me discomfort (sometimes severe pain) more then 10 years ago. I’d been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and found no real help from the medical establishment. Alena was able to guide me to past lives where I had suffered much pain, and helped me to leave those old wounds behind, where they belong. Her method was so gentle and safe feeling, even comforting, but also such a beautiful revelation for me. With her help, I was able to connect with a healing energy which I will continue to work to connect with. It’s hard to express the deep value of the unique experience Alena provided. I left her office with literally a spring in my step. I walked with more ease and even was able to lift, carry and run with my granddaughter without suffering after. This will make a huge difference in my life. I can’t thank Alena enough.


Alena has an amazing capacity to hold space and take you deep into your depths with softness and precision. She is a gentle and compassionate spirit and her desire for your wellbeing and healing shines bright. During our session I felt held and completely relaxed. I had a profound healing experience under the hands of my guides and the soft sound of Alena's voice and guidance. It was vulnerable, being present and yet not, witnessing my subconscious expressing herself, and I felt free and safe in every single moment. Grateful.


Alena is incredibly compassionate, she makes you feel very comfortable. She is professional, you can really just let go and trust her. Which is so important for the process of hypnotherapy and past life regression. I was able to make huge changes in my life in terms of my relationship and business decisions as a result of my session with Alena. A lot of questions were answered for me and I received powerful physical healing. It is remarkable what can occur in these sessions. I highly recommend taking a leap of faith and trying it out and seeing the amazing positive change in can bring into your life in such a fast  period of time, it is a very remarkable process.


The work we did with Alena allowed me to look at areas of my life where I was blocked. During this process I was able to look at and let go of some of the negative believes that were developed in my subconscious due to several stressful life events in my life. Alena's method of identifying the blocks was very intuitive, and it was almost freaky how accurate she was with her muscle testing. I would highly recommend this simple and fast way of releasing harmful mental blocks that stand in our way of success, in all areas of our lives.
