A message from the Angelic Realm

During my QHHT sessions with clients I always ask if there are any Benevolent Beings or Spirit Guides who wish to come through to communicate with the client or myself. I am always amazed as when I ask this question, usually towards the end of my conversation with the subconscious someone always shows up with a profound message for the client, something they were not expecting but needing to hear, along with powerful healing of their physical bodies where the client watches as an observer as their guides work on their body. It's remarkable. And sometimes there are messages for me, here is one..

"The Divine Beings are here to assist at anytime Dear one. We know and love your heart so deeply. Please do not be afraid to keep walking your path. In spite of all mystery, you are Divinely Guided and protected and inspired. We will not leave you, we love you. We love you. You have friends here, more coming. Stay strong and in your hearts wisdom. You are loved."

The energy in the room was very loving, the message resonated and moved me deeply.