What makes Quantum Healing Hypnosis Unique?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was developed and fine-tuned by Dolores Cannon who began her research of Sacred knowledge and reincarnation nearly 50 years ago. This hypnosis technique allows people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious. With QHHT, you are able to have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are — and to ultimately create change within yourself. 

This gentle method of hypnosis involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state (Theta Brain wave State) of trance through visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep. In this state we find infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with. This part of ourselves, as Dolores had learned, is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind. Your Higher Conciseness/Higher Self/Subconscious gives access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate.  

The Subconscious has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body to the Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved.  

Ultimately what makes QHHT unique is the client is allowed to access their own healing power while the practitioner facilitates the safe journey, asking the deep questions and bringing answers to the client. Because when we understand the root causes of our ailments, be it physical or emotional, we have the capacity to heal ourselves. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious. 

In this state, the person’s higher self or subconscious has the ability to heal their own physical body. 


This is truly a remarkable process to witness, as the client attains their own power to heal themselves. There are no limitations, only the limitations of the mind and nothing is beyond the realm of possibility.