Free Release Trauma Guided Meditation - Powerful Healing Transmission

Free Release Trauma Guided Meditation - Powerful Healing Transmission

Hearts Wisdom
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Sometimes one may have to see the darkness before one can see the light.

This Healing Meditation is designed to allow you to drop into a deep relaxation where you will be guided to clear all tension, old trapped emotional energy and return all your attention to the now, back to your heart and away from your recurring negative thought patterns. This meditation will gently reprogram your subconscious mind to trust your own inner wisdom and allow for your own inner healing abilities to come forth.  

Remember the greatest wisdom is inside you. Know that in transformation, the old you must fall away in order to discover the new you.. Believe you are safe and release all limiting beliefs, thought forms, and old energy, allowing your being to live in a natural state of joyfulness, vibrating with energy and health while you bestow positive energy on others.

May you always remember that the Divine in you is already perfect.