Releasing Negative Beliefs Session

Releasing Negative Beliefs Session

Sacred Hypnotherapy
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I am happy to offer sessions for releasing core negative beliefs that may be affecting certain areas of your life. With the ability to muscle test as proxy we are able to tap into your subconscious mind and identify together what blocks you in the form of negative beliefs, remove them, and replace them with positive ones allowing you to experience a shift in any area of your life. For more information please feel free to reach out, schedule a call or visit my website for more information.
~ Remote sessions available
~ Your sessions are always held in strict confidence.

"The work we did with Alena allowed me to look at areas of my life where I was blocked. During this process I was able to look at and let go of some of the negative believes that were developed in my subconscious due to several stressful life events in my life. Alena's method of identifying the blocks was very intuitive, and it was almost freaky how accurate she was with her muscle testing. I would highly recommend this simple and fast way of releasing harmful mental blocks that stand in our way of success, in all areas of our lives." - Marc.