Temple of Healing | Self Hypnosis | MP3 Audio Download - Alena Oslopova

Free Temple of Healing Guided Meditation

Sacred Hypnotherapy
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This Temple of Healing is part of a Healing Complex located in the spirit Realm, discovered by the late Dolores Cannon, who was invited to guide her clients to this Sacred Place for a powerful healing treatment. The loving guide welcomes all who are willing to journey to this special place. The Temple is real, the energy is real and the healing is also very real. You will feel the energies to be very wonderful and peaceful. It is very rejuvenating to your soul.

An invitation to journey deep into the Sacred Garden of your heart where you will be gently guided to a Sacred Healing Temple where you will receive a Healing Treatment of your Etheric Body. Experience the wonderful energies of the healing light of the Temple of Healing. 

This recording will also help you remove personal barriers in the form of fear and old belief systems and take a step towards a path of inner peace and freedom.

It is recommended that you listen with headphones, with your eyes closed. Allow yourself a time of stillness. 

Honour Yourself.