Self Love | Self Hypnosis | MP3 Audio Download - Alena Oslopova

Free | Self Love Guided Meditation

Sacred Hypnotherapy
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An invitation to journey deep into the Sacred Garden of your heart where you will be gently guided to connect with your Higher Consciousness/ Higher Self who will remain with you as you journey deeper on your path of healing, where your being will Tap into the Pure Love of your Guides and any Masters who are here to assist you. You will be shown the Golden Thread of your life, and with the assistance of the Archangels and your Spirit Guides you will have the opportunity to weave a new life story while reprogramming your subconscious mind and filling your heart with incredible life force allowing you to accept and love all aspects of your self, allowing you to feel completely whole, confident and brave to walk a new path. A path of incredible personal fulfilment.